Sometimes somethings are not worth waiting for. Sometimes you just have to give into your utmost desires and do exactly what you want. And in all seriousness, it's been a while since I've been this excited about an IPA. Not that I don't love a good IPA, but this IPA has a new experimental hop varietal in it, known only as Hop 644. (Hop 644 sounds like something out of a government conspiracy film from Alex Jones) And since Dogfish Head's Rhizing Bines beat Sierra Nevada's new Red IPA 644 to the store, I had to open it up. I was also planning to wait for the new IPA glass but I just couldn't. It was my day off and I wanted this beer. So after attempting to distract myself with Stuff You Should Know Podcasts and playing video games I cracked. It was 2:30. This beer was just calling my name, sitting in my fridge screaming at me.
I took it out, cracked the bottle open and took a deep whiff of the top of the bottle. The smells were nice and fresh, hoppy citrusy goodness. Right off the bat this beer is very interesting to me. It has a very familiar smell to it, but it also smells somewhat new. I'm not a hops expert but it definitely was unique, like some citrus fruit hybrid of grapefruit and mango or something. And of course the malts are there but this beer is about the hops. Luckily the vessel carrying the hops is so perfectly balanced, with not a hint of the 8% alcohol, just fresh and floral hops washing over everything. I sipped on this beer listening to more podcasts and just enjoyed waved after wave of fresh hops. Drink it fresh, cause it's excellent.
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