I'm Back from Christmas haze and ready to talk about the fact that we're still here.
And I'll admit it, I'm a sucker for the end of days. While I don't really believe the world will end anytime soon, I love reading about the furor and panic that sets in as people worry about the earth falling out of orbit and crashing into the sun or something. When I saw Stillwater Artisanal Ales As Follows, an Eschatological Ale, I knew I had to have it.
Eschatology is the study of mankind's end of days, and with it rapidly approaching last week I was ready to pop the cap of this beast and enjoy it before I missed it. Stillwater being a nomadic brewer much like my favorite brewing team at Pretty Things and reading that it was a saison style I took out one of my favorite glasses for this guy, Pretty Things Stemmed beer glass.
This beer poured a lovely cloudy golden color with a massive head, though I do love me some yeast so I pour heavy into the glass. That cloudy unfiltered glint in my beer is something I cherish and I'd never want to take it away with a weak pour. The smell is heavy alcohol with some citrus and some pilsnery malt smell. The taste is sweet with some honey nut cheerio breadyness and sweetness. The alcohol hangs heavy over this beer though, almost giving it a tannic hint that muddies up this beer slightly. It's not enough to make this beer unenjoyable though, quite the opposite, this beer is lively and should be sipped on the tongue and it's crisp enough to be chugged, though I wouldn't, it's quite boozy. Overall I'm amazed at the quality of a beer that's made by someone who doesn't fully know the layout of where he's brewing next. This is my very first beer from Stillwater and it definitely won't be the last, hopefully they can all be this good.
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