Hill Farmstead brewer Shaun Hill in a New York Times article recently mentioned
his brewery would be brewing 150,000 gallons annual production and would cap
production for the time being at that mark. Hill Farmstead’s beers will
probably never leave his home state of Vermont (except for the occasional keg
sent to various beer fests) and he seems just fine with that. So in order to
get their beer you’ll have to make the almost 2 hour drive from Burlington.
I’ve done this trip twice, once three years ago and once last year, and it’s
been worth it every time. The two hour drive, with a return trip of equal
distance only makes that beer that much better when you finally open the
growler you bought, break out a nice glass and pour the first beer after your
This is where local breweries are beginning to fit into a market they may
not have known existed, trip destination. I can drive to Jack’s Abby in 45
minutes, and even closer Trillium Brewing is a 13-minute drive. 13! Sure, Jack’s
Abby beers can be found at many beer stores, but if you want that prized whale
you have to jump in your car and make the effort, and drinking that beer will
taste that much sweeter, or bitter I guess depending on the beer.
Breweries are opening up all around the country in your backyard, trying
to capitalize on two things, making great beer and your money. The best
breweries will do both, making beer that’s worth seeking out and warranting a
journey that pays off whether you’re driving 13 minutes for it, or 4